OEM Catalog Part Name: Base Engine. Valid part number from VAG EPC.
CHZC 04C100032F 04C100032FX 04C100032J 04C100032JX 04C100098EX 04C100098E. Is this the right part for my vehicle? If the part number matches completely, the part will normally be the correct replacement for you. You can check your part number and see if it matches any of the part numbers we have included in the item specifications at the top of this list in the "PART MANUFACTURER NUMBER" or "OEM ORIGINAL/REFERENCE" box.If you are not sure about compatibility, please let us know the VIN/CHASSIS number of your vehicle and we will find out. Check the part number carefully. Not satisfied with your purchase? You can contact us directly at any time.
And give us the opportunity to correct any issues or concerns you may have.